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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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(4 edits)

I hated inscryption because that ending was just anti-fun. I bought the game thinking I could get good simple runs with endless replayability (act 1). The fact that the whole game (everything after act 1) was a linier "story-mode" rather than it being "run-based" killed it for me. Maybe this earlier build is what I was looking for. I just wish the whole game was just more of the gameplay loop we got in act one. I personally don't play games to feel hurt, I play them because I wanna feel satisfied in my fake accomplishments in a meaningless computer world. Don't get me wrong, I love and respected what it did. . . but that REALLY shouldn't have been "all" that it was if you are going to call it a rogue-like. The game desperately needed post-game content to support having "runs" rather than just "play-throughs". 

That being said, I really hope inscryption gets DLC that adds an endless mode WITHOUT checkpoints that causes you to restart from the start after losing (maybe with randomized dungeons and you get to choose which act you wish to theme it off of for how the game plays), but for now, I'll settle for this, for however little extra it may be.